Here is a definition of ‘Quality’ from
quality [ˈkwɒlɪtɪ]
n pl -ties
1. a distinguishing characteristic, property, or attribute
2. the basic character or nature of something
3. a trait or feature of personality
4. degree or standard of excellence, esp a high standard
5. (formerly) high social status or the distinction associated
with it
6. (Music, other) musical tone colour; timbre
7. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic the characteristic
of a proposition that is dependent on whether it is affirmative or negative
8. (Linguistics / Phonetics & Phonology) Phonetics the
distinctive character of a vowel, determined by the configuration of the mouth,
tongue, etc., when it is articulated and distinguished from the pitch and
stress with which it is uttered
9. (modifier) having or showing excellence or
superiority a quality product
Old French qualité, from Latin quālitās state,
nature, from quālis of what sort]
Chapter 3 The Qualities of the Will
This paragraph is a very short reprise of chapters one and
two. In chapter one, the Will is presented as the dynamic “inner power” that decides,
chooses, and persists in doing “what is to be done.” It is intimately tied to
the core of the personality, the self. In chapter two Assagioli explains that
the qualities of the will are the modes of expression of
Chapter Three explores the characteristic ways
in which the will in action expresses itself, as exemplified by great and
smaller ‘willers.’ Assagioli provides seven sets of such characteristics.
Energy – Dynamic Power – Intensity
This dimension of the Will is clearly associated with the aspect of will Assagioli calls strong
will. The “power element” is often quite necessary, but is not sufficient for
acting either with skillful or good will. And, sometimes, Assagioli says, the
will, especially under the influence of the higher aspects of the Transpersonal
Will, can act without effort. Assagioli points out that the energy, power,
intensity element of the will can be and is experienced when we meet with
opposition to acting as we will. Then, he says, we experience the intensity of
our will.
Mastery – Control – Discipline
This dimension is related to the quality of energetic power. It is essential in training to be able to do
something, for example, play a musical instrument, and to acquiring the skills
one needs to accomplish some goal. Assagioli
discusses discipline – out of favor in the 1970’s, and inhibition.
3. Concentration – One-Pointedness – Attention –
Assagioli states that this essential quality of the will comes
into play very strongly in the skillful will aspect. His quotation from
Ramacharaka’s Raja Yoga is both
delightful and challenging.
Determination – Decisiveness – Resoluteness – Promptness
Assagioli relates this quality of will to the stage of Determination, in which the need to decide is addressed
and resolved in the stage of Decision. This quality is also needed in the stage
of Direction of the Execution of a planned act or course of action.
Persistence – Endurance – Patience
My mother would have called this quality or set of qualities
“stick-to-it-iveness.” This quality keeps the willer steadfast through long,
even seemingly fruitless endeavors, trials and tribulations. Sometimes, as in
the case of Viktor Frankl, this quality is expressed in heroic measure.
6. Initiative
– Courage – Daring
quality occupies a middle ground between requiring “full and complete security”
on the one hand, and on the other foolhardy risk-taking dare deviltry.
7. Organization
– Integration – Synthesis
Assagioli says about this dimension of the will that it “operates in
various ways. First as an inner synergy, coordinating the various psychological
functions; it is the unifying force which tends toward, and enables one to
achieve, personal psychosynthesis. It is also active at the transpersonal level
and works toward the unification of the personal center of consciousness, the
“I” or ego, with the Transpersonal Self, leading to the corresponding
harmonious cooperation of the personal will with the Transpersonal Will
(transpersonal or spiritual psychosynthesis).
Four – The Strong Will
Chapter Four presents a number of exercises to strengthen the will. The first exercise
Assagioli presents is to use memory and imagination in reflection on what the lack of strength of will has cost you,
followed by reflection on what the advantages a strong will would bring to you,
and concludes with imagining and visualizing “yourself as you will be when you
have attained inner and outer mastery.” He strongly suggests writing down in
some detail the specific details of the first two reflections. Another exercise
is to read material about people who have exercised strong will, and books and
articles also by writers who write to awaken “inner energies.”
motivation is aroused by the first two exercises, the next exercises presented
will strengthen the will through exercising it for the sake of strengthening
it; through the medium of physical exercise; and through approaching daily life
as an opportunity to exercise the will.
the last few paragraphs of this chapter, Assagioli dispenses some advice I
really like. He writes in relation to using the will to alternate between
periods of activity and rest, “An ordered rhythm in our activities generates
harmony in our being, and harmony is a universal law of life.” This leads into
two other counsels. One is to harness other drives or impulses in service of
the will, when one lacks the strong will one is trying to develop. He says
pride, ambition, or play can be strong incentives and the will can use them.
The other counsel is to take the attitude that opposition from others or
difficulties in relationships offer us opportunities, the “parallel bars,” on
which our will can exercise.
Some Questions for Reflection
How would you assess your own current state of will vis a vis the qualities of the will Assagioli presents?
Which quality of your will was especially present/absent this week in relationship to your project?
Did you try any of the exercises to strengthen your will?. If so what did you learn?
Why does RA encourage us to "work in silence"? Is this easy or difficult for you?