Monday, July 22, 2013

New Online Distance Study Begins October 4, 2013!

Sign up for a three-session distance study of two of Assagioli’s monographs on higher psychology: “Transpersonal Inspiration,” and “Symbols of Transpersonal Experience.”* You can sign up by contacting Carla Peterson at carlapeterson(at)

Hedi Weiler and Carla Peterson are the group facilitator/guides.  This study will consist of readings, reflection questions sent by email and posted on this blog, and conference call discussions. The conference calls will be on the dates below at these times: 2 p.m. Eastern time, 1 p.m. Central time, 12 noon Mountain time, and 11 a.m. Pacific time. For international times please see:

  The first session on October 4, 2013 will introduce the group study process, practices to engage, questions for self-reflection, and resources for contemporary researches and writings on “higher” psychology.
 The second session on October 11, 2013 will offer participants the opportunity to discuss their insights, questions, and/or experiences with their reading of “Transpersonal Inspiration,” their engagement with practices of self-reflection, and explorations of contemporary ways of talking about inspiration and transpersonal experiences.
  The third session on November 1, 2013 will consist of discussion of “Symbols of Transpersonal Experience,” self-reflections by the participants and the further explorations by the group into contemporary descriptions and insights into transpersonal experiences. We will offer concluding thoughts and information about future opportunities for distance learning.

( *Transpersonal Inspiration” can be found at: and “Symbols of Transpersonal Experience” at:

There will be no cost for these distance-learning sessions, but contributions to the Center for Awakening will be gladly accepted! Contributions can be made online at CFA’s website or to Treasurer, at the address listed on the website.

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